Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Lister Lab

I went for a medical checkup to Lister Lab (102, Dr. Radhakrishnan Road, Chennai) yesterday as tentatively I might travel to US next month. It was a pleasant surprise to meet my friend 'Logesh' after a very long time. I actually forgot where he stays and other facts as usual (as i have a very bad memory :( ) . He walked towards me and introduced himself and said he stays in Bangaru street, Ayanavaram. It seems he is working there as 'Customer Support Executive'. We chatted for a few minutes and then got to business as I went to the Lab during my lunch hour :)

While I was waiting there in the reception for the x-ray technician to call my name I read a nice quote on the walls of Lister Lab. It was ... "It takes months to find a customer seconds to lose one.".

I was thinking through that and thought in the same quote if we just replace 'customer' with 'good/true friend' it would still makes perfect sense! What do you guys feel?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Good Thought.

It is also very much true.